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Sweet Mastering Studio

João AlvesMastering Engineer

João Alves is the Mastering Engineer and owner of Sweet Mastering Studio. He has a degree in Sound Sciences and Technologies and a Master in Sound Production and Technology. In 2011, as a result of his passion for the mastering process, he founded Sweet Mastering Studio. Since then, countless bands and artists have gone through this studio, such as Derek Jerome, Zé Perdigão, Custódio Castelo, Remigio Pereira, Guilherme Valente, Mac MacKenzie, Humberto Ríos, Pablo Rodriguez, Lisbon Film Orchestra, Camerata de Sopros Silva Dionísio, etc...


About Us

Professional studio exclusively dedicated to Audio Mastering in Portuguese grounds.

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Sobre Nós

Estúdio Profissional dedicado exclusivamente à Masterização de Áudio em pleno Solo Português. 

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Mastering is for everyone, that’s why we are committed to provide the best possible experience for the best price. Book a session now!

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A tua música merece! Faz já um pedido de orçamento e recebe a nossa proposta em menos de 24 horas!

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Our Work

Here are some snippets before and after mastering that you can hear and compare.

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Ouve alguns dos artistas que por cá passaram!

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type 

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